Getting Ready for Spring Activities

Getting Ready for Spring Activities
The calendar has turned to March and Spring is finally here! During the pandemic, many of us have not been able to do a lot of the activities we love. Now that the weather is warmer we may want to get out and begin to do all the activities that we can enjoy around metro Atlanta.

The calendar has turned to March and Spring is finally here! During the pandemic, many of us have not been able to do a lot of the activities we love. Now that the weather is warmer we may want to get out and begin to do all the activities that we can enjoy around metro Atlanta. However, since you may not have done these activities for quite a while, it is important to start off slowly to avoid injuries. The physicians at Resurgens Spine Center know that many injuries occur when the weather changes and people begin to get active again. In this week's blog, our physicians are sharing tips to help you stay healthy as you get back into your favorite outdoor activities.

Start Off Slow

If you haven't been active during the past year, chances are you'll have to get back into your favorite activity slowly. Before you get out there again, it's a good idea to do some less strenuous exercise to allow your body to slowly get back into its top shape. For example, if you are ready to go hiking on one of the many great Georgia trails, start out by taking a few walks to build up to that big hike.

Stretch before Any Physical Activity

Whether you are running on the beltline or cycling on your favorite road, a regimen of stretches can help loosen up the muscles before you do physical activities. Without stretching, you're much more likely to sustain a sprain or strain to muscles, ligaments, or tendons.

Listen to Your Body

Pain is your body's way of telling you something's wrong. If you feel pain while you're training or playing sports, do yourself a favor and stop your activity. If rest and conservative measures such as ice, heat and elevation don't help, then see a doctor as soon as you can. Pain can be an indicator of many different problems, and a doctor can determine the best course of action to get you on the road to recovery.

The staff at Resurgens Spine Center hope these tips allow you to stay injury free while you enjoy getting back outside and enjoying your favorite Spring activities.

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