Double Hip Replacement Success

As a mom, grandma and athlete, Victoria Weems was familiar with aches and pains. However, she was unaware of how much damage her hips had been exposed to over the course of her life. On the first day of 2016, Victoria woke up unable to walk and was in excruciating pain. She didn't know what was causing so much discomfort so she went to the emergency room where a doctor diagnosed her with osteoarthritis of right and left hip joints and broke the news that she was a candidate for a double hip replacement.

After exhausting conservative treatments options, she began researching joint replacement specialists and visiting orthopaedic practices in Georgia. Victoria met with a number of orthopedists before finding Dr. Mary Albert.

"Before finding Resurgens Orthopaedics, I had to be my own health advocate, but when I met Dr. Mary Albert, she and her team became my advocate as well".
Over the course of a year Victoria had both hips replaced with an anterior hip replacement approach, which is a less invasive procedure that promotes a faster recovery. Within weeks of the first surgery and months of the second Victoria was moving again without the assistance of a cane and virtually pain free. Now, Victoria goes on daily walks around the park and exercises regularly.

Dr. Albert and all the staff at Resurgens are proud to have been a part of Victoria's recovery and we hope your new hips enable you to continue doing all your favorite activities for many years to come!

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