Skiier Recovers and Hits the Slope Again
To ski or not to ski was no longer a question Kip Hollstein had to think about after his knee surgery with Dr. C. Michael Morris. Kip has enjoyed sports all his life. Unfortunately, being athletic takes a toll on the body and specifically his knees. Kip did not have to look hard to find the right surgeon for his troubled knee. Kip coached Lacrosse and one of the players happened to be the son of Dr. Morris.
Dr. Morris, who specializes in knee, shoulder and sports medicine and practices at our Lawrenceville location, has helped Kip on numerous occasions to get back to living pain free. When Dr. Morris was asked about Kip he spoke about how they met on the Lacrosse field and what led to him being his surgeon, "Trust and respect grew as we became friends and then he came to me as a patient. I wasn't giving up on Kip to just do a full knee replacement. I wanted to preserve as much as I could instead. Total knee replacement is not the only option."
Most importantly Kip has been able to participate in two recent ski trips with his family. When each of his sons graduated it was their request to go on a ski trip to celebrate their major milestone. Kip's success with his partial knee replacement afforded him the pleasure of being out in the brisk cold air and the soft powder snow to relive his athletic days. Leading up to the second ski trip Kip took six months to develop strength in his core and legs to prepare for the next celebratory trip. Kip admits he did not hit the black diamond runs or do any crazy stunts. He simply enjoyed family time, in a beautiful place, doing what he has always enjoyed, being active.
To ski or not to ski was no longer a question Kip Hollstein had to think about after his knee surgery with Dr. C. Michael Morris. Kip has enjoyed sports all his life.
Kip's advice to others having pain is, "Get it fixed. I could have kicked myself for not getting it done sooner. My knee hurt less two days after surgery than it had before." Resurgens Orthopaedics is thrilled to know Kip is strong and pain free and enjoying life!